
Analysis of Françoise Mommens



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4 Analysis

Show me the room!

When it comes to reserving a hotel room online, what criteria are important? According to a recent survey of US internet users, being able to see the place is key. With the increased adoption of high-speed internet, suppliers can now do a better job selling an experienc[...]

Amusement parks: What can we expect in 2005?

The opening of the gigantic Tropical Islands theme park just outside Berlin has all of Europe talking. What amusement park trends will emerge in 2005? +++ The Commentary from Liping A. Cai, Professor and Director at the Purdue Tourism & Hospitality Research Center. [...]

Hotels: the feminine factor

An increasing number of women are circling the globe on business, forcing hotels to change to keep pace. To please this demanding clientele, whose requirements include higher levels of comfort and security, hotels are offering fitness facilities, organic food, perfumed [...]

Television, magazines or guidebooks: Which medium is used to plan travel?

According to a survey conducted by the Travel Industry Association of America (TIA), the Internet is the « most useful » medium for finding travel information, followe[...]