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Get off the beaten path with electric vehicles!

To reduce their environmental footprint and improve their accessibility, many outdoor destinations offer an array of electric vehicles that includes ATVs, Segways and electric bicycles.

Tourist Taxis

The following text is a translation of the French original, which can be found at: (Les taxis touristiques)   Taxi drivers interact with many tourists on a daily basis and sometimes even constitute the first human contact a visitor has on arriving at his or her des[...]

Understanding the dynamics of carbon credit purchasing from offsets when traveling carbon neutral

Voluntary carbon compensation, or carbon offsetting is applicable to anything that contributes to gr[...]

Adopting a leisure-orientated marketing mix: some challenges and opportunities for airports

This article aims to discuss some of the challenges and opportunities that are faced by airports whe[...]

Airports in the marketing era (Conference summary)

Northern Europe has a large number of secondary airports, many of which were built for military or regional development purposes. Until recently, the primary role of these airports was to provide a public service to small communities located far from big centres, by lin[...]

Simplified pricing in the airline industry

In an article in USA Today, Joe Brancatelli urges the «Big Six» in the US (American, Continental, Delta, Northwest, United and US Airways) to simplify their fare structure as a way to resolve their financial woes. Railing against their stubborn refusal to change their a[...]

Group Tourism takes on a youthful look

When we speak of package tours by coach, it usually means the traditional « tour and travel ». We think at once of customers who are pensioners or persons taking early retirement. Today, we notice a wave of rejuvenation: the average age of the passengers is closer to 55[...]