
Analysis of Michèle Laliberté



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24 Analysis

Want to be cutting‑edge? Try online recruiting!

A powerful combination of human resources, brand image, Web 2.0 and technology, Recruiting 2.0 will turn you into a top-notch recruiter! Find out more about this phenomenon and learn how to take advantage of new trends that are leaving traditional methods in the dust. T[...]

“Employers of choice” or the art of attracting and retaining employees (Conference summary)

Roles are being reversed in today’s working world. Now that the pool of available workers is shrinki[...]

Seasons change… and so do employees

With the deplorably high employee turnover rate in the tourism industry, it is time to reflect on current practices. What is the turnover rate of your staff? What are the causes? How much does this cost your organization? Do you have the means to offset these costs? Do [...]

Understanding the certification jungle

Welcome to the jungle of quality labels and certification programs! There is certainly a lot to choose from. Are these marks of recognition a sign of quality, a guarantee of success or simply a marketing tool? Do travellers care about them and can they distinguish among[...]

Putting HR and tourism in context

Understanding the environment in which tourism is evolving will help us understand the challenges facing human resources, for owners, managers and employees. However, when human resources issues themselves are in the midst of dramatic change, everyone in the industry is[...]

Marketing 101 for small inns and hotels

Marketing is never an easy undertaking, especially for small inns and hotels with limited time and budgets. While the following does not provide an exhaustive list of advice, options and how-tos, it does offer a checklist of various suggestions for improving visibility.[...]

Is your destination in decline?

« Tell me who visits your destination, and I’ll tell you whether it’s in decline! » This was the bet made by Stanley Plog when he developed his model of matching traveller profiles with phases in a destination life cycle. When a destination is visited by lar[...]

Clients and employees: Treat them the same!

Though managers move heaven and earth to create a memorable experience for their customers and encourage brand loyalty, what do they do for their employees? As a matter of fact, they should be doing the same thing. In today’s world, human resource management is a [...]

More to luxury travel than meets the eye

The transition from an emphasis on the tangible to a focus on the emotional is changing the face of luxury travel. Products are evolving to include uniqueness, eccentricity and exclusivity in the travel experience. In the luxury market, authenticity is key and providers[...]

Number of tourists or tourism revenues?

Should tourism-industry growth be measured in international arrivals or in economic benefits? Which category would we rather be performing best in? Where does Canada stand in the stats? In a country-by-country comparison, we realized we were on the wrong track in trying[...]
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