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How to create a personalized guest experience

For hotels, the key to successfully personalizing the guest experience is to know your customers. Once you do, effective customer relationship management and digital technology can make it easier to foster repeat business.

Evaluating the Quality of Digital Hospitality

Destinations the world over must adapt their practices to the changing behaviours of their clients with ever-evolving technological needs. A study done by TCI Research shows that traveller satisfaction with the quality of digital hospitality is at the level of “acceptab[...]

Examples of best practices for improving accessibility

From train stations to youth hostels and tourism offices, best practices in accessibility are now in place in France, thanks to the Law of February 11, 2005, which promotes the equality of rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people with disabiliti[...]

What’s new in tourist routes

This article was inspired by Ms. Marie-Pierre Langis, project leader for the Circuit gourmand, la nature aux mille délices, who submitted the topic as part of the contest to select the 1000th TIN analysis. Our thanks to everyone who took part, as well as our partner, Ai[...]

Does Environmentally Friendly Golf Exist?

As far as environmental responsibility is concerned, golf is neither ahead, nor behind other sectors, and it may take some time before it is considered as ‘responsible recreation’. Golf courses have a long history of being environmentally unfriendly, due to their high w[...]

International cruises: Outlook for 2010 and overview of major trends

Hit hard by the economic crisis, the year 2009 was, for many sectors of the tourism industry, a catastrophic year. For the cruise industry, however, it was a year in w[...]

Trends in the short cruise market

Boat tours/cruises are still considered a « new » tourist product. Although Quebec’s industry is based on the star attraction of whale?watching, short cruises now represent one of the world’s most diversified product lines. The following report is an overvie[...]

Are senior travellers really so different?

The tourism industry has been watching closely as aging baby-boomers gradually shift into the seniors category. And with good reason because, for all that it requires special treatment, this category has undeniable appeal. However, an informed approach to the senior mar[...]