The more often travellers stay in private accommodation, the less likely they are to book a hotel room during the same year, according to a significant study by PhoCusWright.
Has Airbnb helped increase demand, or is it attracting clientele that previously stayed in other types of lodging? Read on to learn more about these travellers who rent private accommodation.
Now the Canadian dollar has reached parity with its US counterpart, many questions are being raised. Without doubt, Canada’s performance in the American tourist market has been disappointing in recent years and the inexorable rise of the Canadian dollar in 2007 has only[...]
In 2004, Americans once again began travelling to foreign destinations in large numbers, but they seem to have ignored Canada. The number of U.S. international tourists ?all destinations combined ? reached a record high of 61.8 million that year, surpassing the previous[...]
When it comes to reserving a hotel room online, what criteria are important? According to a recent survey of US internet users, being able to see the place is key. With the increased adoption of high-speed internet, suppliers can now do a better job selling an experienc[...]
American cultural travellers represent an especially lucrative market: nearly one-third spend over US$1,000 when they travel. By way of comparison, only 11% of all U.S. travellers spend this much. This news comes from Renee Mitchell, Research Director, Smithsonian Magaz[...]