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Global Tourism: Black Clouds with Silver Linings

Stormy Skies on the Horizon The global economy has fallen off a cliff and no one is sure when it will hit bottom. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the world’s advanced economies experienced an unprecedented 7.5% decline in real Gross Domestic Product [...]

Familiar with tweens? You should be…

A recent development in marketing has been to define a new customer segment: « tweens » or preteens. While young people ages 9 to 14 are no longer children, they are not yet teens, either. With surprising purchasing power and influence on a variety of family decisions, [...]

Loyal customers spend less than new customers

Spanish researchers have analyzed the expenditures of travellers in relation to how many times they have visited a destination. According to their findings, returning travellers spend less than first‑time visitors, primarily because of their increased knowledge of the d[...]

Number of tourists or tourism revenues?

Should tourism-industry growth be measured in international arrivals or in economic benefits? Which category would we rather be performing best in? Where does Canada stand in the stats? In a country-by-country comparison, we realized we were on the wrong track in trying[...]

What can we expect from the tourism bubble in the next few years?

What are the major influential factors that will affect tourism supply and demand this decade? For a start, China and India are poised to become major players as they [...]

Statistics are not always what they seem

Everyone – those in the industry, government bodies, academics, journalists and more – uses statistics from the World Tourism Organization and Statistics Canada, thereby contributing to the dissemination of this data. However, a closer look at these statisti[...]

What do we see in our crystal ball?

The pace of everything will only speed up. We see trendy new destinations, enthusiasm for new products, pronounced customer segmentation and new players that shake up a sector of activity. Lots will be going on in the tourism industry. Overall factors Socio-demographics[...]