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“Employers of choice” or the art of attracting and retaining employees (Conference summary)

Roles are being reversed in today’s working world. Now that the pool of available workers is shrinki[...]

Seasons change… and so do employees

With the deplorably high employee turnover rate in the tourism industry, it is time to reflect on current practices. What is the turnover rate of your staff? What are the causes? How much does this cost your organization? Do you have the means to offset these costs? Do [...]

Putting HR and tourism in context

Understanding the environment in which tourism is evolving will help us understand the challenges facing human resources, for owners, managers and employees. However, when human resources issues themselves are in the midst of dramatic change, everyone in the industry is[...]

Clients and employees: Treat them the same!

Though managers move heaven and earth to create a memorable experience for their customers and encourage brand loyalty, what do they do for their employees? As a matter of fact, they should be doing the same thing. In today’s world, human resource management is a [...]

Recruiting tourism workers: The time is now!

The declining number of available workers in the labour force is becoming even more of a concern because tourism is not the only economic sector facing a labour shortage. This creates fierce competition; we are entering the era of the competitive labour market. Business[...]

Mobilize your staff to surpass customer expectations!

In today’s very competitive marketplace, many tourism-based organizations would like to differentiate themselves by trying to provide service that surpasses customer expectations. If they are to succeed, these businesses must first mobilize their human resources t[...]

Front-line ambassadors: a valuable resource

The tourism industry is one sector in which the human element is absolutely vital to delivering the promised brand « experience » the customer expects. This is particularly true in the hotel industry. Employees – who really should be called « front-line ambassador[...]