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The vogue of low-cost travel

Pushed by rising demand from travellers, the low-cost market is undergoing major changes and its business model is being adopted by well-established tourism businesses as well as by new entries to the industry.

Ancillary revenues in the hotel industry

Mobile technology can help hoteliers increase their sales of ancillary products and services. Though ancillary products and services (add-ons) were first introduced by the airlines, they are also sold by hotels, though less often. As long as hotels have the tools to pro[...]

Price customization: bold… or deceptive?

Is it farfetched to believe that an online shopper’s browsing history could affect a travel site’s search results? It most certainly is not. Although the internet gives consumers a powerful tool for easy price comparisons, the downside is that it also enable[...]

Adopting a leisure-orientated marketing mix: some challenges and opportunities for airports

This article aims to discuss some of the challenges and opportunities that are faced by airports whe[...]

Make your pricing scheme work for you

Although business-people often tend to set the price of their products by looking at the cost and the desired profit margin, this is by no means the optimal approach to pricing because it does not take into account what each market segment is willing to pay. For Yves Co[...]

Simplified pricing in the airline industry

In an article in USA Today, Joe Brancatelli urges the «Big Six» in the US (American, Continental, Delta, Northwest, United and US Airways) to simplify their fare structure as a way to resolve their financial woes. Railing against their stubborn refusal to change their a[...]

The « low-cost » concept: is it for you?

There is nothing new in the observation that price is a deciding factor, or even the deciding factor, in consumer behaviour. What is new is that the economic model associated with low prices is becoming more and more popular. Companies adopting this model make it their [...]