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The vogue of low-cost travel

Pushed by rising demand from travellers, the low-cost market is undergoing major changes and its business model is being adopted by well-established tourism businesses as well as by new entries to the industry.

Who is Carbon Neutral in Tourism in Québec?

Visitors to and from Québec contribute to Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG), regardless of the mode of transport, distance traveled, or the activity undertaken during a stay. To date, no study assessed neither travelers’ nor the tourism sector’s contributions to GHG [...]

What’s coming in 2006?

Each new year brings with it a new batch of forecasts and predictions on a variety of topics. From new technologies, to the hotel sector, to the latest hot destinations, here are some things to watch in the coming year. Leisure travel In 2006, leisure travel will contin[...]

Commentary from Michael Nowlis on the tourism trends in 2006

François Chevrier's article concerning tourism trends in 2006 summarizes the broad expectations of many analysts in the North American market. As it is difficult [...]

The « low-cost » concept: is it for you?

There is nothing new in the observation that price is a deciding factor, or even the deciding factor, in consumer behaviour. What is new is that the economic model associated with low prices is becoming more and more popular. Companies adopting this model make it their [...]