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Public Toilets: an essential but under-appreciated amenity

They are notable by their absence from a number of much-visited attractions – to the point of ruining the experience for certain travellers, yet some public toilets ar[...]

How to create a personalized guest experience

For hotels, the key to successfully personalizing the guest experience is to know your customers. Once you do, effective customer relationship management and digital technology can make it easier to foster repeat business.

Retargeting: A growing trend in advertising

Named a top online marketing trend for 2014 by Forbes magazine, ad retargeting enables a business to target its online communications to previous visitors to its Website.

Understanding the certification jungle

Welcome to the jungle of quality labels and certification programs! There is certainly a lot to choose from. Are these marks of recognition a sign of quality, a guarantee of success or simply a marketing tool? Do travellers care about them and can they distinguish among[...]