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Public Toilets: an essential but under-appreciated amenity

They are notable by their absence from a number of much-visited attractions – to the point of ruining the experience for certain travellers, yet some public toilets ar[...]

Successful events now rely on getting the participants involved

Social media, technology and more involved participants all foster greater delegate engagement.

Generation Y, the new face of business travel

When travelling for business, Millennials enjoy meeting new people and exploring new cities. As they advance in their careers, their decision-making power within their companies will grow, creating with it a new form of business travel.

Adventure tourism goes sustainable

To counter the vulnerability of outdoor travel products, adventure businesses are embracing sustainability in the hopes of preserving their key resources and meeting the needs of their clientele.

SOS! My business is having a social media crisis!

Thanks to social media, information that used to take several hours or even days to reach the public can now be spread almost instantaneously. When a crisis sets alarms bells ringing in today’s world, it’s impossible to ignore! A well-prepared crisis unit an[...]

Television, magazines or guidebooks: Which medium is used to plan travel?

According to a survey conducted by the Travel Industry Association of America (TIA), the Internet is the « most useful » medium for finding travel information, followe[...]