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Interhome: a good example of best practices

At the 2007 ITB Berlin Trade Fair, Simon Lehmann, CEO of Interhome, spoke on the topic of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), an approach adopted by Europe’s largest holiday rental accommodation agency. The impressive results testify to CRM’s undeniable impact when [...]

Web marketing for SMEs

You may think it’s impossible to increase your company’s Internet effectiveness with a marketing budget of only $3,000, but a variety of low‑cost strategies exist, whether you need to enhance your Web presence or conduct an email campaign. According to Merri[...]

Familiar with tweens? You should be…

A recent development in marketing has been to define a new customer segment: « tweens » or preteens. While young people ages 9 to 14 are no longer children, they are not yet teens, either. With surprising purchasing power and influence on a variety of family decisions, [...]

Marketing 101 for small inns and hotels

Marketing is never an easy undertaking, especially for small inns and hotels with limited time and budgets. While the following does not provide an exhaustive list of advice, options and how-tos, it does offer a checklist of various suggestions for improving visibility.[...]

Is your destination in decline?

« Tell me who visits your destination, and I’ll tell you whether it’s in decline! » This was the bet made by Stanley Plog when he developed his model of matching traveller profiles with phases in a destination life cycle. When a destination is visited by lar[...]

Make the most of market segmentation with geomarketing

As marketing experts promote the benefits of segmentation and niche marketing, the tourism sector would do well to investigate geomarketing. This new approach classifies and geographically pinpoints population groups to both identify potential markets and determine the [...]

« Seduce » your clients!

Within ten years, more than half of the world's population will be living in cities. Tourism regions can get ready to capitalize on the business potential represented by stressed-out urbanites. Mutually beneficial relationships could develop between city-dwellers i[...]

Cookies, vacations, and other choices…

Many people believe that consumer satisfaction in every conceivable area will automatically increase with the number of choices – but not Barry Schwartz. In his book The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, he explains that the more alternatives people have, the m[...]

Are senior travellers really so different?

The tourism industry has been watching closely as aging baby-boomers gradually shift into the seniors category. And with good reason because, for all that it requires special treatment, this category has undeniable appeal. However, an informed approach to the senior mar[...]

Finding your (new) niche!

Competing with Marriott, Disney and Air France is not an easy task, but it is possible to carve out a place among the giants. This product or service « niche » represents a small, unexploited or underexploited market segment that appeals to a particular clientele. Dream[...]
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